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.... shunning political correctness since 1988

Well I'm back from my holiday, where have I been? Absolutely nowhere.

I've never understood people who take time off from their regular lives and only end up doing the same things they would have done anyway, so when I booked my two weeks off work to go on 'holiday' I only ever had one intention; doing fuck all for as long as I wanted. Whilst on my 'holiday' I stopped doing the following things:

  • Shaving and grooming of any other variety
  • Using the Internet (including blogging)
  • Traveling further than a two minute walk.
  • Cooking of any kind whatsoever
  • Masturbating (leaving my wife's ladybits very sore indeed)

Hell, I even tried being less cynical than I usually am but it's hard to remain positive when you've got your (usually lovely) wife breathing down your neck about having to make you beverages every twenty minutes and being 'sexually assaulted', like that somehow isn't what god intended. Either way I'll shall be catching up with all my sexy followers and their sexy blogs as of

"Let your women keep silent, for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but [they are commanded] to be under obedience, as also saith the law." -Corinthians 14:34 - 35*


  1. I think you should leave Ladybits out of this!

  2. That actually sounds like a great vacation. I hope the transition back into "the real world" isn't too rough.

  3. I got to admit that's an awesome term, ladybits LOL! hahaha it's glad to see you back :D!

  4. Welcome back! I thought you had fallen off the face of the Earth.

  5. Yeah man I'm not a big holiday fan. I feel all itchy like I could be home doing things.

  6. my to do list looks exactly like that one xD

  7. It's sad that my schedule is totally free and I never have free time. What the hell.

  8. No cooking, huh.

  9. Hope you had a great holiday, welcome back!

  10. welcome back! seems like you enjoyed your holiday
