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Call of Duty: Same Ops
Against my better judgement I've finally been persuaded to write a review for 'Black Ops' in the wake of their upcoming DLC, so any fan boys might want to look away and return to masturbating over your replica gun collection.

Now I could start with the blatant flaws, like how bullets bend round walls, the lack of skill required actually get a kill or maybe even the fact that it is the forth game in a row released by Activision with little to no changes; but no, I'll start with something a little more challenging:

Black Operation; noun, "Illegal military activities including such things as assassinations, sabotage, extortion, spying on allied countries or one's own citizens, kidnapping, supporting resistance movements or the use of fraud to obtain funds". I think somebody must have sold me a dodgy copy because the game I was playing had none of that, in fact all this game had was explosions, poor acting, more explosions and a story line which reads like an 80's B-Movie.

I know what many of you are thinking, "Ah, Obi-wan, you obviously haven't played the multiplayer", well you're are wrong, because  had I had not played the multiplayer this review would have been as short and relevant as the storyline was. Of course I didn't really have to play the multiplayer as it is EXACTLY THE SAME as MW2 give or take a few perks, probably down to Activision's "if it's not broke why fix it?" motto tattooed to the back of all of their employees necks. This tactic has already destroyed other Activision titles such as Guitar Hero and Tony Hawks, fortunately for Activision the demographic for the call of duty market is made up of; A) Ugly fanboys with no social aspects, B) Dull-witted children with sympathetic parents, or most likely C) Ugly dull-witted fanboy children with no social aspects and sympathetic parents. You can pick which you are.

"...but they have made changes Obi-wan", Yeah sorry, I completely forgot about Rainbow Six's Black Ops' innovative new online customisation backed by Halo:Reach's  their state of the art credit system.

- Okay fanboys, you can stop masturbating now....



  1. DLCs ... more money for game editors. :)

  2. I love your layout and title!!

  3. lol at that 1st paragraph. i have real firearms thank you very much!

  4. you know what I like about activision? once you have 1 game of each of they series, you can claim you have them all and no one will ever know.

  5. don't fix what aint broken

  6. Excellent blog post, I must say. My complete and utter disgust at the popularity of the Call of Duty games is difficult to comment upon. I don't understand how the game is so popular! It has mediocre gameplay, a series of pathetic stories with barely tangiable plot that falls flat between missions (even if SOME, yes, SOME of the missions are pretty cool), and terrible customisation and rank system.

    There are so many better shooters out there, either right now or coming out soon. They need to be brought to the attention of the world, just to show how backwards the Call of Duty games are!

    (And yes, strong words for a seemingly-innocent trend. But after years of everyone around me telling me to 'get Call of Duty, it's the best shooter arounds', I can't be bothered to pretend it's good anymore, just to avoid further bother-ment. I played the first one, it disappointed me immense. I played the second one, and I felt even more betrayed. Why would I play any more?! And don't mistake me for the disgruntled fanboy who was angry because it's no longer a WW2 game, because despite those games being better, they were still smouldering piles of plastic garbage.)


  7. thank you, since this game came out I can't even look at the entire franchise. Followed.

  8. Couldn't agree more. Since CoD4 came out the games have not changed in the least, glad I'm not the only one it bugs.

  9. I actually loved the main story lol

  10. Eh. It's an alright game to waste time if you've got nothing better to do.
